
Brittany Colton LLC in person therapy

Brittany is not offering in-person therapy at this time. Her family recently welcomed their fourth child and will be moving out of state. She will continue to be licensed


Mom Coach Virtual Treatment

Brittany offers virtual video therapy and coaching. If you reside outside of Virginia or Maryland Brittany’s work with you will be under the role of a coach. This option is


Welcome to Brittany Colton Counseling! I have a passion for helping others through talk therapy! In my practice I address a wide range of issues and concerns. I look forward to hearing from you and helping you on your path to living your best life and loving the life you have.


Brittany is so wonderfully warm and a truly excellent therapist. She is consistently insightful, kind, empathic, and very attuned to my specific needs. She is a very talented, incredibly, empathetic and so caring. I would recommend her to anyone



I have seen growth in myself already! Brittany is incredible at her job. She has the gifts of warmth, kindness and love. I can actually feel her genuinely concerned and interested about my life. I honestly feel like she was born to do this job!


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